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We are Building a Product Platform for Industrial Training 

Content | Software | Hardware | Phygital

Industrial Challenges We are Solving

390M positions required skilling / reskilling by 2022

Variable quality | Low productivity | Material wastage | Incidents and loss of work | Lowered profitability

Companies are responding by developing and deploying their own training programs

The Industry Need

Skills Gap Results in

Limited Institutional

Training Capacity

Unmet demand for robust, scalable, standardized training solutions

Standardized, certified and accredited content

Interactive, immersive experiences designed for engagement and retention

Tech-based solutions are easy-to-deploy and designed to scale

Gamified assessment with integrated certification and accreditation




Assessment and Certification

Prolearner Platform

The Prolearner platform offers a multi-channel, scalable solution set for integrated training, assessment and reporting of critical shopfloor skills and processes. It is a comprehensive, integrated approach to skill development that delivers technical theory, hands-on, tactile practical training, and integrated assessments.

Design Philosophy

Built around the core belief that anyone can learn, our approach is rooted in the user-centered design process which is inherently optimistic and solution focused. The very act of teaching, if you think about it – is an act of faith: that you can teach, and I can learn.

User Requirements

Management and Administration

What they need:

  • User tracking and reporting

  • Measurable learning outcomes

  • Cost-effective, scalable and time-efficiency

Site Trainers, HR and HSE Staff

What they need:

  • Ease of deployment

  • Portable and reliable solution with minimal maintenance

  • Robust and consistent UX

Experienced and New Workers

What they need:

  • Easy to use and accessible  

  • Easy to understand

  • Engaging content

Platform Solutions

The most immersive, impactful and multi-lingual Virtual Reality (VR) industrial safety training solution to drive behaviour change

A cross-product platform that offers seamless user tracking, reporting and analytics

Chemical safety module of ProVR - covering key aspects of safety

Interactive VR simulations: Train learners to respond to fires in industrial, commercial and other environments

Pharma safety module of ProVR - covering key aspects of safety

Other platform products under development



Price points

Learning outcomes

Learner profile
Deployment scale

Learning Mechanisms

Virtual Reality (VR)



Mobile apps

Physical games

Learning Management System (LMS)

Classroom training

Briefly describe the types of services offered and highlight any special benefits or features.

Delivery Mechanisms

Briefly describe the types of services offered and highlight any special benefits or features.

User Requirements

Briefly describe the types of services offered and highlight any special benefits or features.


Briefly describe the types of services offered and highlight any special benefits or features.

Module Development

Briefly describe the types of services offered and highlight any special benefits or features.


Briefly describe the types of services offered and highlight any special benefits or features.

Learning Mechanisms
User Requirements
Learning Mechanisms
Module Development
Delivery Mechanisms
Platform Products


An immersive, impactful and multi-lingual Virtual Reality (VR) - based safety sensitization solution for on-the-job blue-collar workers to drive behaviour change.


An interactive Virtual Reality (VR) training solution for SOP, incident response and simulations to empower emergency responders through role-based training.


An interactive, controller-based lifting operations solution (deployed as a VR or standard monitor setup) for training, assessment that will allow workers and industries to train and quantitatively assess a crane operators’ competency.


A scalable and standardized self-paced online frontend / dashboard that integrates data from other Proleaner solutions, along with an interactive e-learning platform for blue collar and white-collar shop-floor staff.


Interactive smartphone applications that gamify safety, HIRA, SOPs, and designed to complement and supplement other Prolearner industrial training solutions.


Group-based, physical / AR based board games and card games for learning about, and understanding incident response, role-based responses and getting a ‘systems-view’ of how everything is designed to fit together. Our card game and board game solutions are also designed to drive conversations around safety, hazards and process training, and facilitate a learning culture.


A self-learning, classroom deployment solution: Replace in-person induction sessions in basic industrial safety and other industry processes.


We can leverage multiple elements of our platform to develop customized solutions for your specific requirements.

Module Development


Asset library


Delivery Mechanisms

User tracking







Integration of delivery

To know more about the Platform

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